Free online gynecologist doctor chat
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When your body has an inflammation, irritation, or erosion of the lining of the stomach. Stats: More than 10 million women in India suffer from UTI every year. The regimen usually continues for a long time to achieve hormonal balance with medication since PCOD is a chronic illness, but some cases heal after treatment and do not need further therapy. Skin Abnormalities jhjohn02: At times, bumps arise on my private areas vagina, butt, between legs.
HealthTap Prime: HealthTap Prime is a virtual medical consultation service. Our North American doctors have expertise in pregnancy, sexual health, mental health, and much more. This means 1 of every 5 people you meet in India will be obese and require weight loss. See your doctor: If you have a skin problem it is helpful to see your doctor and allow the physical exam with the history make a proper diagnosis.
Free Online Doctor Chat 24/7 | Online Doctor Consultation - Medications may limit the effects of thyroid, but are only effective upto a level, beyond which surgical removal maybe mandatory.
What is Missed Periods? Amenorrhea is when a woman misses her periods, once or more than once. Stats: Every other woman 1 out of every 2 in India has missed her periods or had delayed periods once at least in her lifetime. However, it could also be an adverse effect of one or more of the pills you might have taken, like an Ipill or Unwanted 72, which are popular emergency contraceptives. Treatment: Your doctor will usually ask you to perform a Urine Pregnancy Test to check for pregnancy and rule out conditions that mimic pregnancy or that have a high HcG Pregnancy Hormone. It could also require an Ultrasound to check if the condition is PCOD or other issues like Endometriosis, etc. Ask your Gynaecologist if she can tell you a hint of what is suspected after the test results come out and if it will need therapy. Prognosis: Missing a period does not mean you are ill, it only means you need to check with a doctor whether the cause is natural or needs treatment. Usually following up with your doctor will ensure that your periods stay regular monthly, which is very important to stay fertile. This is described as a hard nodular lump detected by self-breast examination of the breasts. Stats: It is the leading cause of death in India and the most common cancer found in women in India too. Usually a mammogram is done to diagnose a tumour or a problem in the breast. Based on the appearance in the test, the breast lump is graded. Then your Gynaecologist will tell you the treatment if required for your particular issue and case. If a cancer has been diagnosed, it will require more testing to check for spread and metastasis and treatment will be tailored according to that. Prognosis: Progress and future is usually healthy. It is a treatable illness and most cases do heal with proper care. However if a cancer has been diagnosed, it may require chemotherapy and has chances of relapse. Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. Planning, making available, and use of birth control is called family planning. Stats: Every other woman 1 out of every 2 in India has missed her periods or had delayed periods once at least in her lifetime. The safest are the regular OCPs and also are the most commonly used pills by women for safe sex. They are made for certain age groups only and if used incorrectly, can be ineffective or can shut down your reproductive tract completely, hence are seldom recommended. Prognosis: Pregnancy can be avoided better rather than terminating it. The correct way to safe sex is to consult a doctor to discuss and get to know what method best suits your needs and your body. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is very common in women of reproductive age group, and means a bleeding or spotting that occurs in the mid-cycle or between 2 menses periods. Stats: 10-40% of women in India suffer from Menorrhagia at some point in their menstrual life. Reasons for having it could range from endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, pregnancy or coagulation blood related problems like renal or liver issues and certain medications also. A lot of variety of tests might be needed to be performed to identify this and based on it, your doctor will either prescribe you medicines to heal or you might require a surgery to cure it. Prognosis: The progress depends on the condition you are suffering from. It may take time, but usually the problem goes away and it is easily solved. Women with painful menstruation periods are said to suffer from Dysmenorrhea. Stats: Every other woman 1 out of every 2 in India has missed her periods or had delayed periods once at least in her lifetime. However, it could also be an adverse effect of one or more of the pills you might have taken, like an Ipill or Unwanted 72, which are popular emergency contraceptives. She will get a detailed history of your past pregnancies and your family history. Depending on that a few tests will be requested to make sure everything is running fine in your body and is safe for your baby. An early Ultrasound at 6-8 weeks checks the position of the foetus and looks for heartbeat, followed by another at 11-13 weeks for checking for abnormalities in the baby. Prognosis: Most cases heal with treatment and progress is seen soon,however very few cases repress and may require follow ups and frequent medical treatment. A growth in the uterus that is a non-cancerous and that appears during the childbearing years. If left untreated, they may progress to a much more complicated scenario requiring open surgery. They are otherwise benign and do not turn cancerous. Prognosis: Treatment is usually successful and patients with fibroids do not need long term therapy. However, some fibroids may recur and hence women are advised to undergo annual check ups to look for any suspected signs of a relapse. Infertility is when a couple are trying to conceive without success in getting pregnant for 1 year or more. Stats: More than 10 million cases of Infertility occur in India every year. Many treatments significantly improve the chances of getting pregnant. They include hormone treatments, fertility drugs and surgery. In addition, assisted reproduction uses various medical techniques to fertilise an egg. Gynaecologists usually perform a wide array of tests to check for the problem and diagnose and treat accordingly. Tests include HSG, Laparoscopy, Ultrasound, blood tests and semen analysis. The best way is to ask your doctor as to what are the next best treatment options available for you and what else can be done to help. This ensures the doctor understands you and will then take you through all the choices you have for fertility. Prognosis: The prognosis depends on the diagnosis of the cause of infertility. However, in rare cases, it is not diagnosed and treatment then does not progress as expected. Predicting pregnancy is tough as mostly patients achieve results after the correct treatment is started, only after the right diagnosis is made. Ovarian cyst is a small growth that can occur in any of your ovaries and may cause problems. Stats: Approximately 10% of women have a cyst in their ovary as per Ultrasound reports. It is also recommended often to take certain pills to reduce the size of the cyst. Also you can go for a surgical removal of the cyst if it is too painful or if it appears doubtful. Prognosis: All you need is some time for it to heal, and most cysts in young aged women heal with time. The others will require medical treatment and regular follow up to review progress. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a syndrome common in women of reproductive age group, which causes hormonal imbalances in these patients. Stats: 2 out of every 10 women have PCOS in India, and 1 in every 10 women worldwide have PCOS. It is the number 1 leading cause of Infertility in India today. Treatment options include ovulation induction or contraceptive pills that help you in making your periods regular. The regimen usually continues for a long time to achieve hormonal balance with medication since PCOD is a chronic illness, but some cases heal after treatment and do not need further therapy. Prognosis: PCOD is a chronic illness that can be only controlled and not cured. Long-term effects of PCOS can cause Diabetes in Insulin-resistant cases. Some patients also may develop depression since PCOD has effects on the brain and patients might need to talk to a Psychologist regarding this if they feel overwhelmed. Pregnancy is the condition when a woman is carrying an offspring in her uterus to grow into a fully mature foetus and later deliver a baby. Stats: Almost every woman in India has been or will try to get pregnant once in her lifetime. Teenage pregnancy accounts for 57% of all pregnancies, which means every 1 in 4 teens has been pregnant in her teenage. However, it could also be an adverse effect of one or more of the pills you might have taken, like an Ipill or Unwanted 72, which are popular emergency contraceptives. She will get a detailed history of your past pregnancies and your family history. Depending on that a few tests will be requested to make sure everything is running fine in your body and is safe for your baby. An early Ultrasound at 6-8 weeks checks the position of the foetus and looks for heartbeat, followed by another at 11-13 weeks for checking for abnormalities in the baby. Prognosis: 30% of all pregnancies have a risk of miscarriage. Also 3,519,100 babies are born preterm in India. However, majority of pregnancies proceed normally and deliver on time, Not all women get to deliver via Normal Vaginal Birth. All women at some stage or the other have had some vaginal discharge, either normal or pathologic. Approximately, 50% of all vaginal discharge is infectious. Stats: All women at some stage or the other have had some vaginal discharge, either normal or pathologic. Approximately, 50% of all vaginal discharge is infectious. Usually your doctor will check it up and require a culture and testing to identify the offending pathogen and offer you medication based on the sensitivity. Seldom, an Ultrasound may also be required if it appears that the discharge is coming from a higher source such as the uterus. Prognosis: Vaginal discharge heals very easily and treatment is also very effective. Most cases require a simple diagnosis and treatment by a Gynaecologist to get well soon. But therapy is most always offered in couples sexual partners , rather than only to patients alone since your partner can harbour the infection and return it to you when you are sexually active. What is Missed Periods? Amenorrhea is when a woman misses her periods, once or more than once. Stats: Every other woman 1 out of every 2 in India has missed her periods or had delayed periods once at least in her lifetime. However, it could also be an adverse effect of one or more of the pills you might have taken, like an Ipill or Unwanted 72, which are popular emergency contraceptives. Treatment: Your doctor will usually ask you to perform a Urine Pregnancy Test to check for pregnancy and rule out conditions that mimic pregnancy or that have a high HcG Pregnancy Hormone. It could also require an Ultrasound to check if the condition is PCOD or other issues like Endometriosis, etc. Ask your Gynaecologist if she can tell you a hint of what is suspected after the test results come out and if it will need therapy. Prognosis: Missing a period does not mean you are ill, it only means you need to check with a doctor whether the cause is natural or needs treatment. Usually following up with your doctor will ensure that your periods stay regular monthly, which is very important to stay fertile. This is described as a hard nodular lump detected by self-breast examination of the breasts. Stats: It is the leading cause of death in India and the most common cancer found in women in India too. Usually a mammogram is done to diagnose a tumour or a problem in the breast. Based on the appearance in the test, the breast lump is graded. Then your Gynaecologist will tell you the treatment if required for your particular issue and case. If a cancer has been diagnosed, it will require more testing to check for spread and metastasis and treatment will be tailored according to that. Prognosis: Progress and future is usually healthy. It is a treatable illness and most cases do heal with proper care. However if a cancer has been diagnosed, it may require chemotherapy and has chances of relapse. Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. Planning, making available, and use of birth control is called family planning. Stats: Every other woman 1 out of every 2 in India has missed her periods or had delayed periods once at least in her lifetime. The safest are the regular OCPs and also are the most commonly used pills by women for safe sex. They are made for certain age groups only and if used incorrectly, can be ineffective or can shut down your reproductive tract completely, hence are seldom recommended. Prognosis: Pregnancy can be avoided better rather than terminating it. The correct way to safe sex is to consult a doctor to discuss and get to know what method best suits your needs and your body. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is very common in women of reproductive age group, and means a bleeding or spotting that occurs in the mid-cycle or between 2 menses periods. Stats: 10-40% of women in India suffer from Menorrhagia at some point in their menstrual life. Reasons for having it could range from endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, pregnancy or coagulation blood related problems like renal or liver issues and certain medications also. A lot of variety of tests might be needed to be performed to identify this and based on it, your doctor will either prescribe you medicines to heal or you might require a surgery to cure it. Prognosis: The progress depends on the condition you are suffering from. It may take time, but usually the problem goes away and it is easily solved. Women with painful menstruation periods are said to suffer from Dysmenorrhea. Stats: Every other woman 1 out of every 2 in India has missed her periods or had delayed periods once at least in her lifetime. However, it could also be an adverse effect of one or more of the pills you might have taken, like an Ipill or Unwanted 72, which are popular emergency contraceptives. She will get a detailed history of your past pregnancies and your family history. Depending on that a few tests will be requested to make sure everything is running fine in your body and is safe for your baby. An early Ultrasound at 6-8 weeks checks the position of the foetus and looks for heartbeat, followed by another at 11-13 weeks for checking for abnormalities in the baby. Prognosis: Most cases heal with treatment and progress is seen soon,however very few cases repress and may require follow ups and frequent medical treatment. A growth in the uterus that is a non-cancerous and that appears during the childbearing years. If left untreated, they may progress to a much more complicated scenario requiring open surgery. They are otherwise benign and do not turn cancerous. Prognosis: Treatment is usually successful and patients with fibroids do not need long term therapy. However, some fibroids may recur and hence women are advised to undergo annual check ups to look for any suspected signs of a relapse. Infertility is when a couple are trying to conceive without success in getting pregnant for 1 year or more. Stats: More than 10 million cases of Infertility occur in India every year. Many treatments significantly improve the chances of getting pregnant. They include hormone treatments, fertility drugs and surgery. In addition, assisted reproduction uses various medical techniques to fertilise an egg. Gynaecologists usually perform a wide array of tests to check for the problem and diagnose and treat accordingly. Tests include HSG, Laparoscopy, Ultrasound, blood tests and semen analysis. The best way is to ask your doctor as to what are the next best treatment options available for you and what else can be done to help. This ensures the doctor understands you and will then take you through all the choices you have for fertility. Prognosis: The prognosis depends on the diagnosis of the cause of infertility. However, in rare cases, it is not diagnosed and treatment then does not progress as expected. Predicting pregnancy is tough as mostly patients achieve results after the correct treatment is started, only after the right diagnosis is made. Ovarian cyst is a small growth that can occur in any of your ovaries and may cause problems. Stats: Approximately 10% of women have a cyst in their ovary as per Ultrasound reports. It is also recommended often to take certain pills to reduce the size of the cyst. Also you can go for a surgical removal of the cyst if it is too painful or if it appears doubtful. Prognosis: All you need is some time for it to heal, and most cysts in young aged women heal with time. The others will require medical treatment and regular follow up to review progress. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a syndrome common in women of reproductive age group, which causes hormonal imbalances in these patients. Stats: 2 out of every 10 women have PCOS in India, and 1 in every 10 women worldwide have PCOS. It is the number 1 leading cause of Infertility in India today. Treatment options include ovulation induction or contraceptive pills that help you in making your periods regular. The regimen usually continues for a long time to achieve hormonal balance with medication since PCOD is a chronic illness, but some cases heal after treatment and do not need further therapy. Prognosis: PCOD is a chronic illness that can be only controlled and not cured. Long-term effects of PCOS can cause Diabetes in Insulin-resistant cases. Some patients also may develop depression since PCOD has effects on the brain and patients might need to talk to a Psychologist regarding this if they feel overwhelmed. Pregnancy is the condition when a woman is carrying an offspring in her uterus to grow into a fully mature foetus and later deliver a baby. Stats: Almost every woman in India has been or will try to get pregnant once in her lifetime. Teenage pregnancy accounts for 57% of all pregnancies, which means every 1 in 4 teens has been pregnant in her teenage. However, it could also be an adverse effect of one or more of the pills you might have taken, like an Ipill or Unwanted 72, which are popular emergency contraceptives. She will get a detailed history of your past pregnancies and your family history. Depending on that a few tests will be requested to make sure everything is running fine in your body and is safe for your baby. An early Ultrasound at 6-8 weeks checks the position of the foetus and looks for heartbeat, followed by another at 11-13 weeks for checking for abnormalities in the baby. Prognosis: 30% of all pregnancies have a risk of miscarriage. Also 3,519,100 babies are born preterm in India. However, majority of pregnancies proceed normally and deliver on time, Not all women get to deliver via Normal Vaginal Birth. All women at some stage or the other have had some vaginal discharge, either normal or pathologic. Approximately, 50% of all vaginal discharge is infectious. Stats: All women at some stage or the other have had some vaginal discharge, either normal or pathologic. Approximately, 50% of all vaginal discharge is infectious. Usually your doctor will check it up and require a culture and testing to identify the offending pathogen and offer you medication based on the sensitivity. Seldom, an Ultrasound may also be required if it appears that the discharge is coming from a higher source such as the uterus. Prognosis: Vaginal discharge heals very easily and treatment is also very effective. Most cases require a simple diagnosis and treatment by a Gynaecologist to get well soon. But therapy is most always offered in couples sexual partners , rather than only to patients alone since your partner can harbour the infection and return it to you when you are sexually active. We also have many services such as chat with a doctor, medical second opinion, home diagnostics, medicine delivery and home healthcare all from the comfort of your home. We are building, much needed, transparent and low cost healthcare infrastructure.
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Prognosis: Many conditions will require testing and diagnosis to get a better opinion. Prognosis: The progress depends on the condition you are suffering from. We help you get personalised, actionable and helpful info from specialists rather than relying on sincere and general info on Google, WebMD. Research on the effectiveness of telehealth is still building; however, there are health care providers i. Patients have problems when TSH levels go higher than expected indicating a hormonal imbalance called Hypothyroidism when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. Glad-term effects of PCOS can cause Diabetes in Insulin-resistant cases. Menopause does not 'just happen. Stats: More than 1 million cases of Hyperthyroidism have been found in India. Prognosis: Hypertension can lead to a poor prognosis even if you do not have symptoms. Others may require testing and difference up.